China vs India Sourcing, Four burners theory

I wanted to share with you my favorite articles and podcasts from this week. 

We are seeing more evidence of sourcing shifting away from China. US-China trade war has caused major shift in global trade landscape, says Li & Fung

Along these lines I was interviewed recently by my friend Chris Thomas, “The Australian Seller”, where I breakdown the pros and cons of China sourcing vs India sourcing. [Podcast] China vs India Sourcing 

Finally as we are approaching US Thanksgiving, besides gearing up for Black Friday…. 

I wanted to thank you for being a loyal reader. You have a lot of things in your life vying for your attention so I’m very grateful for you spending your time with me. And I hope this is valuable for you and your business. 

Along these lines, I had a chat recently with my friend Mike Jackness about The four burners theory of work and life balance. Check out this article by James Clear. Mike also released a podcast about this. 

In summary there’s the natural tradeoff between 

  • family
  • business
  • health
  • friends

You can only have on three of the four burners at a time. 

And only two burners on if want to be really successful in those areas. 

Which burners do you have on? 

And off? 

Talk soon, 


Author: Gary

I work with many Amazon sellers to help them source from China. I’ve managed multimillion dollar sourcing campaigns and have been sourcing from China since 2008. I also am an Amazon Private Label seller myself so I know what you’re going through. My goal is to teach you how to source from China quickly and easily so you can own a 7-figure online business.

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